Novo Talent Agency Website

Case Study by René Engelhardt — Dec 20, 2021


Ethically empowering creators and brands

Novo is a full service digital talent agency in the new media industry, whose mission it is to improve our content creators lives and achieve their goals with ethics and transparency always in mind.

At Novo, we manage creators of different walks. From small upcoming creators with a few hundred concurrent viewers, to renowned stars with tens of thousands of simultaneous viewers, that set new trends in todays social media age. It is built by creators for creators, as both co-owners are a part of the talent roster.

Goals of

Our goal for the website was to raise awareness of malicious deals from other talent agency in the gaming and content creation industry. Many creators lose millions on bad deals. They don't usually own the rights to the deals they sign with a partner or sponsor.

With that in mind, I built the website from the ground up with Webflowand Adobe XD. It features the brands CI with vibrant blues and reds, as well as bold typography. We heavily focused on calls to action, especially for brands that want to work with our content creators and share our sentiment of creating transparent partnerships with our creators. This approach allowed us to double the brand interest in all of our creators.

The Structure

The website follows a common flow with a regular grid and column solution. It features bold illustrations, and typography to attract attention to potential new business partners.

Additional work at Novo

During my time at Novo I worked on a multitude of different projects. From internal dashboards to aid our content creators and enhance their live streaming content creatoin, to interactive slides to help aquire new business partners.

Internal Solutions

Unfortunately I'm not allowed to showcase most of our internal projects at Novo at this time. However I'd like to talk about some of the solutions.

An integral part of live content creation is interacting with your audience in a meaningful way. We created a proprietary dashboard to give our creators the power to see everything that's relevant in at the time. We split the web app into multiple modules and extensions to aid our creators and deactive unnecessary features.

Our dashboard consists of a core module that features security, account settings and connections. Other modules are called Chat, Bots, Campaigns, Merch, Stats and Finances. All of them help our creators on the daily.

Investor and Partner Presentations

I worked on multiple iterations of presentations that showcase the agency to potential investors and shareholders. This includes fully responsive live slides, as well as traditional presentations with Google Slides and PowerPoint. A slide which sells a brand an activation with one of our creators consists of their name, a short description, what content they usually produce, their metrics, demographics, and previous activations with past and current partners.

Note: All information has been altered and is not connected to any of the creators.